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Dish of the Day - 18th September 2020 - Meatless meatball pasta bake recipe

I wanted to send you my home made meatless meatball pasta bake recipe cos its so yummy if you are vegetarian!

I buy Green Cuisine meatless meatballs, but you can use any type, frozen, and just fry them in a little olive oil, add a few handfuls of chopped mushrooms, then pour in a tin of tomatoes, chopped, throw in a few handfuls of black olives, then thicken with tomato puree, add some cooked pasta shells and pour it all into an ovenproof dish, sprinkle on some grated cheese and bake in the oven for around half an hour.  It also freezes extremely well if you just spoon it into a freezer bag......defrost in the microwave for about 20 mins then bake for 20 minutes. Enjoy!

From Mrs Davidson


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